My best seventh grade experience was making new friends. When I first came to this school I knew a couple people but I made some new friends. I made friends from all over Fresno. I thought that making friends was going to be a little hard but in reality it wasn't. If you just acted like yourself, you found your true real friends. When I first came here it was kind of hard to make friends. Now it's not so hard to make new friends if you are not shy and speak up.
      In the beginning of the school year I would just hang out with some of old friends, but then I met some people that were more like me and I started to hang out with them. As the year went on I started to hang out with another group of friends. I still talk to my old friends, we're just not that close anymore. So to tie this all up, my best seventh grade moment was making new friends. I hope that next year I could make some more new friends. 

PictureColumbian Exchange
Recently we have been learning about the Columbian Exchange at school. The Columbian Exchange was an exchange of ideas, food, animals, and religion from the New World to the Old World (Europe). When explorers went to the New World they took some seeds. Then when they got to their new lands found, they would exchange food, animals, and even ideas. They even exchanged weapons. A very useful idea that was exchanged was the idea of using a horse as a tool. Horses we very useful for carry supplies, transportation, and helping in the fields.

PictureMany different type of bird beaks.

     My favorite station at the Zoo was the bird beaks station. This was my favorite station because I learned that depending on the bird's beak depends on what it can eat. If a small beak is designed to eat some insects and the next day you give it a different type of insects, you can't just expect it to adapt that fast. 
     Some animals don't adapt so fast, they die. This doesn't only deal with birds and their beaks, but also with climate changes. My animal, the alpaca, has soft padded feet because they are used to living in harsh enviorments, like in the mountains of South America, where they first originated. 

How was the end of the Inca Empire similar to the end of the Aztec Empire? Well to answer this question straight-forward, the Inca and Aztec empire both came to an end because the spanish defeat them. From what I know the Aztec empire fell when they were defeated by Hernan Cortes. They had thought he was Quetzalcoaltl, that had came back. The king, Moctezuma II, greeted him and his army friendly because he thought he was Quetzalcoatl. Cortes imprisioned Moctezuma II; the people were mad and threw out Cortes and his army out of Tenchtitlan. A couple years later, Cortes and his army went back to Tenchtitlan, but not alone. This time they went with their allies the Tlaxcalans. With their help they were able to defeat the Aztec.
Honestly my best moment this year was actually after CST testing ended. After everyone in the school was done we had some free time to do what ever we wanted in class. Since I was in my first period and we were pretty much bored and tired of taking the test, we started listening to music and watching some videos quietly. Afterwards we just talked for awhile and took a lot of pictures. We took almost 80 pictures! This was one of my favorite moments this year because we were able to just hang out and relax. Next year I'm going to miss that class a lot. Another reason this was one of the best moments of the school year to me, was because after CST testing I was able to do whatever we wanted quitely. Some kids decided to read, others to play board games, but my group of friends decided to listen to music, talk, and take pictures. I think my friends are one of a kind. They all have a special part in my heart. I hope that over the summer we can all gather up and go to the movies, park, or somewhere fun.
No one really knows why the Maya civiliazation ended. Many historians belive it ended due to either warfare, over-population, over-demanding rulers, or climate change. Others belive it could of been a mixture of all of these. I agree with the people that say the civiiazation ended due to a mixture of all these things. I think this because, I think, they couldn't of have broken down such a powerful civilazation because of one matter. For example, warfare was a reason the civilaztion ended. Because to many people kept fighting. If they would of stayed in peace, the civilaztaion would of continued to thrive. I also think that over-demanding rulers and climate changes affected this alot.
My life isn't as easy as most people think. My people are hunter-gathers. Everyday is usually the same, we eat, sleep for a little, and move along. We never really stay in one place. Today, unlike the other days, was different. I had a strange feeling inside of me. I get this feeling every time something important is going to happen. When a decision is going to be made, and it will change my life. I gathered around where all the people were. They were discussing how they weather is is warm and there is plenty of food around. They were thinking about, for once, settling down.  I decided to speak up and said what I thought. "We should stay!" I said. "What more do we need, we have it all here to start a civilation." Enough of moving, let's stay. We will never know how to settle down if we never do.

My favorite book I've read this year is The School Story by Andrew Clements. This has been my favorite book because well to start off Andrew Clements is one of my favorite authors. I liked this book because it had an interesting plot. The theme of this story was to never give up, I think. I think this is the theme because two young girls were trying to publish a book. People thought that 12 year olds could never make a book so good enough to get published. Because the girls were persictent they got their book published. I think this is an easy book to understand. Once you start reading this book you wont want to put it back down.
The Scientific Revolution was important in world history because people started wondering more about the planet, and it's functions. I think that the Scientific Revoltion was important too because  it opened doors to learning. I  think if someone would of never stepped up and said their thoughts today we would of have known very little about science. There were many important people that played huge roles in the Scientific Revolution. 
In CORE class we learned about Martin Luther and his 95 theses. Today we were assigned to write 5 complains about Computech. So to start this off I think that Computech should have no uniforms. I think that some students don't feel comfortable in them. I also think that some students don't focus enough in class we because they don't like what their wearing. I also think that we should have a little bit more break time. Sometimes the restroom and snack bar lines can get pretty full and sometimes people don't have enough time to do what they want to do. I also think that they should let us eat other than in the Quad Area. I understand they want to keep the fields clean but they can just put more trashcans. If this doesn't work out then they can change their rule back to how it was. I also think that they should try to make the lunch line go faster or have more food because sometime our teacher's let us out late and we don't get a choice of what to eat.